On April 10th, 2024, Ángel successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. The evaluation committee graded the thesis with the highest distinction and awarded Ángel the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. Congratulations!
On April 10th, 2024, Ángel successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. The evaluation committee graded the thesis with the highest distinction and awarded Ángel the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. Congratulations!
The Fondef IT23I0058 grant, titled “Cloud Application for Real-time Estimation of the Penalty Factors in the National Power System”, is a 2-year collaborative effort that focuses on developing a learning-based mechanism for calculating the penalty factors in the Chilean power system. This project will be conducted in collaboration with the Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional.
Constanza presented her work entitled Stochastic relaxation of the maximum allowable delay for a class of networked control systems at the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Singapore.
The Fondef ID23I10206 grant entitled “Modular Cloud-based Industrial Cyber-Physical System for Next Generation Industry 4..0 Applications”, is a 2-year collaborative effort that focuses on developing next-generation industrial control systems that can operate from the cloud. As part of the project, we will deploy a pilot instance in the processing plant of San Pedro mining company.
During March 2023, Saúl and José defended their respective theses and earned the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering. Congratulations!
The Fondecyt 1211294 grant (2021-2024) entitled “Age of information as design metric for ioT-based networked control systems” focuses on the design of age-aware controllers for future generation industrial wireless control loops.
On March 23rd, 2021, Juan Pablo successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis entitled “Age of information in IoT-based wireless networked control systems.”. The evaluation committee graded the thesis with maximum distinction and awarded Juan Pablo the M.Sc. degree. Congratulations!!
On November 20th, 2020, Jacob successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis entitled “The IoT PLC: a new generation of programmable logical controllers for the industry 4.0”. The evaluation committee graded the thesis with maximum distinction and awarded Jacob the M.Sc. degree. Congratulations!!
Our Anillo project “Industrial cyber-physical systems for smart mining” was selected for funding by CONICYT in its 2019 Anillos de investigación en ciencia y tecnología contest. The 3 years project, with an approved budget of USD$750.000, focuses on developing the next generation of control systems for mining operations, with emphasis on the operation of power […]
On December 11th, 2019, Tomás defended his thesis entitled “Embedded networking using Thread: devices, operating systems, and IoT programming”. The evaluation committee graded the thesis with maximum distinction and awarded Tomás the M.Sc. degree. Congratulations!!